Themed tours
Tuesday 7th February and Thursday 9th March 2023
Special guided tour in english with the curator of the exhibition "Sitting merrily in front of the god: the votive chapels of Deir el-Medina"
Visita guidata
60 minutes
Booking required
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Guided tour with the curator of “Sitting merrily in front of the god: the votive chapels of Deir el-Medina”
Visita guidata
60 minutes
Booking required
Per tutti
Guided tour with the curator of “Cats, falcons and eels: votive bronzes for animal mummies”.
Telling the story of this museum today also means looking to the future.
Christian Greco
Director of Museo Egizio
New Kingdom
Shabti of Sethi I
1539-1076 B.C.
English tours
0 minutes
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Themed tours in English