Nel laboratorio dello studioso – In the Researcher’s Workshop
011 44 06 903
From Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
What is this object? Who or what does it depict? Where does it come from? When and how was it made? What role did it play in its culture of origin? These are some of the questions  egyptologists ask themselves when they study an archaeological artifact. When curiosity and intuition go hand in hand with a systematic approach, a process of data interpretation and  exploration called research begins.

"Nel laboratorio dello studioso" ("In the Researcher’s Workshop") is a cycle of temporary exhibitions meant to introduce visitors to the research carried on daily on the objects on display in the galleries of the Museo Egizio and kept in its storerooms. Every two months, a new artifact will be placed under the magnifying glass to reveal unseen details and yet untold stories.

Here the updated calendar:

Listen to the interviews to the curators
011 44 06 903
From Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

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